It’s that time of year when it gets darker earlier and is often still dark when we wake up. On November 3, 2024, at 2 a.m., our clocks will fall back to Standard Time, gifting us an extra hour of glorious sleep. While the prospect of an additional hour may be welcome news (I know […]
11 Sleep Safe Tools
With so many new products on the market these days, it’s hard to know what’s safe to use. Here are 11 safe sleep tools to add to your sleep toolbox: 1. Sound machine – Sound machines are high on my list of must-haves since I’m often working with newborns. But they aren’t just for babies. […]
Trust and Sleep Training
Trust can be a difficult thing to wrap one’s mind around when you consider sleep training. It’s often associated with fear and leaving babies to cry on their own. It felt important to open up the conversation about trust as it relates to sleep training – to change the way we approach it and babies […]